
Many of our clients do not have access to the services they desperately need, rely on, and deserve. Online therapy allows us to provide these services as well as the support needed for families. Additionally, providing teletherapy allows us to reach our clients regardless of the outside circumstances.

For many Speech and Language Pathology practices, this is new technology and we applaud them as they begin their journey down a road we have been traveling for some time. We all need to work together, collaborate and help each other as we do whatever it takes to reach our clients.

Telepractice, sometimes called TeleHealth or TeleTherapy, is the newest addition to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and it has gained popularity over the past three years. It is an exciting and innovative service delivery model as it helps us to reach clients, their families and caregivers when clinic visits are not an option due to distance or circumstance.

Telepractice was approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as an appropriate method of service delivery in 2005. ASHA's position is that “telepractice is an appropriate model of service delivery for the professions of speech-language pathology [and audiology]. Telepractice may be used to overcome barriers of access to services caused by distance, unavailability of specialists and, or subspecialists, and impaired mobility” (ASHA, Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Clinical Services via Telepractice.

We all chose to become Speech Therapists because we wanted to make a difference in the lives of children and their families! With teletherapy, we can provide this service from anywhere to anyone!

TeleTherapy is Secure and Private Video Conferencing with Enhanced Screen Sharing for the delivery of vital Therapy Tools, Apps, Games and Electronic Learning and Interactive Therapy Materials

With our teletherapy platform, we provide high-quality Speech and Language therapy, evaluations, and Group Social Learning therapy to our clients.

Our secure and HIPAA compliant video platform with encryption is specifically designed and configured for efficient and effective delivery of service. All meetings are private and authenticated. Our platform is easy to use for both our clinicians and our clients. We are currently reaching clients and providing the following services:

Aphasia - Apraxia - Articulation - Auditory Processing - Language - Memory - Phonology - Reading - Reasoning - Social Skills - Autism Spectrum Disorder – Dysarthria – Dysphagia – Fluency - Intellectual Disability - Mild Cognitive Impairment - Social Communication Disorder - Speech Sound Disorders - Spoken Language Disorders - Voice Disorders - Written Language Disorders

Allow us to show you the profound difference in working with seasoned professionals equipped with tremendous passion, cutting edge technology, and unparalleled determination to make a difference in your life and the lives of your children.

Reach out to us today and schedule an appointment.

Contact Us now

Teletherapy Costs

Teletherapy is billed at the same rate as an In-Office visit per ASHA and California State Parity regulations.

We are in network with the following payers all of whom cover teletherapy as well as in person speech therapy, coverage for developmental delays differs plan to plan.:

Anthem/Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Sutter East Bay
Sutter Select

Alameda Alliance
BTMG-Brown and Toland Medical Group
CFMG-Children First Medical Group
CCHP-Contra Costa Health Plan
HPMG-Hill Physician Medical Group
JMMG-John Muir Medical Group
Sutter East Bay
Sutter Select

Others are on a Plan by Plan basis. If you are interested in Teletherapy for a carrier not listed above, we will call your Plan to obtain coverage information and whenever possible, an approval.